Meet 7 LINK Pack Moms and Their Pups

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Meet 7 LINK Pack Moms and Their Pups

Here at LINK AKC we love Dog Mom's Day! It's day where we get to celebrate the amazing dog moms and furbabies all over the country. Since its inception last year (approved with The National Day Calendar), National Dog Mom's Day is "a time celebrate and thank the dog moms who dedicate their love and support every day to their dogs. It’s a different, special and visceral love that deserves its own day to be recognized and appreciated."

Today, we would like to share some photos of LINK customers and the special bonds they have with their pups.

Have a great photo of you and your dog? Send it over to us at or tag us on Instagram.

Roland & Daphne sure keep their mom busy with all their adventures:

Chewie loves keeping busy (and beautiful) in sunny Southern California with his mom:

How great do Sedona and her mom Heather look? Sedona is a Vizsla puppy who lives in Maryland:

You may recognize Callie, LINK AKC's very own treat and toy tester:

The snuggle is real for Bandit and his mom Anastacia:

Tuck is an adorable Golden Doodle that's part of TuckandBlue:

We love this shot of Jenny, the rescue pup, who lives in Napa Valley and loves playing on the beach with her mom:

Thank you to all the Dog Moms out there who strive to make every day better for their furbabies!

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